Fees information
All patients will be provided a receipt at time of payment with relevant codes and information that may be used to seek reimbursement directly from their insurance companies.
Payment is due at the time of visit in cash, check or credit card. We do not participate with any insurance company. For all insurance companies, we are considered an out-of-network Provider. Medicare patients will be required to sign a private contract certifying that they will not attempt to seek reimbursement from Medicare for services provided by our psychiatrists.
Missed Appointment:
Full Fee according with type of appointment missed.
Office hours are by appointment only. When calling for an appointment, please designate the reason for the visit, such as a new evaluation or a follow-up visit. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. All missed appointments are charged full fee if not canceled within a 24 hour notification. Please bring with you any previous records and all medication you are currently taking which may be pertinent to your continuing care.
Cancellation Policy
Appointments not canceled a minimum of 24 hours in advance are the responsibility of the patient to pay for. Our Telecom system will date and time stamp every message so that we know exactly when the notification came, and it is accessible to you 24 hours a day by calling our office at: (703) 239-3621
This policy attempts to balance our desire to keep waiting times to see us at a minimum, with wanting to be flexible and understanding of your occasional need to make changes after your appointment is set.